In the run-up to our scheduling hearing in U.S District Court, opposing counsel for the MMD, at the eleventh hour, contacted our attorney, Andy Taylor, and offered to rescind their 'Notice of Removal of State Court Action' for both of our pending lawsuits. This is a welcome change of tack which obviated the hearing on May 26th.
The first lawsuit - pertaining to the validity of the 25 signed petitions required to assess property in the West MMD - will now be back in Judge Daryl Moore's courtroom. Judge Moore’s intention to render a decision by the end of May - thwarted by this maneuver – will, we feel sure, lead to a decision in the near future.
The second lawsuit - regarding the signed petitions we submitted from over 80% of assessed property owners to dissolve the entire MMD (East & West) - was initially scheduled to be heard by Judge Dan Hinde before the MMD filing to have it removed it to Federal Court.
Both lawsuits will now be back in their original courtrooms.
We want to thank everyone who had made plans to take time out of their busy schedules to attend the hearing on May 26th. We will keep you informed of our next court date.
STOP the District is a grass roots volunteer organization committed to the dissolution of the undemocratically imposed Montrose Management District in Houston, Texas. more… Our mission’s success depends on property owner participation. Please sign up for email notification – contribute - and stay in the fight.